Unmasking Bullying
The BC provincial government has organized a major anti-bullying conference, which is happening right now – November 13, 2012.
“The conference will include an update on the strategy and remarks from the premier, as well as presentations about the role of bystanders, cyberbullying and how to create inclusive schools.
We are hoping the conference will address the root causes of violence and not just use the all-encompassing term “bullying” which just masks misogyny, sexism, racism, homophobia, and violent crimes like sexual assault.
To stop the hate and violence inflicted upon young women and young men, we need to redirect our energy and will to address the underpinnings of this violence. These are not quick solutions that at best offer temporary solutions, these are life-long lessons that effectively prevent violence. Learn more about WAVAW’s strategy in our latest newsletter – http://eepurl.com/rikl1
- On November 13, 2012