Square of Care

A gift that will last a lifetime

Ready to change the lives of thousands of survivors of sexualized violence with just one gift? We’ve opened the doors to our new sexual assault centre and you can create a lasting impact by purchasing a Square of Care!

A Square of Care is a legacy investment in this safe space for survivors which will be commemorated on our new donor wall mural. Starting at quantities of $400 each, you can buy a square for yourself, your business, or buy one in honour of a survivor, community, hero(ine), or activist you love. Every name or tribute will be highlighted on a special wall by the reception desk where survivors will see that they’re not alone and there is a community of support behind them.

Gift a Square of Care to a loved one and we’ll send them a special card and magnet letting them know you made a gift in their honour!

Buy A Square of Care

A new space built by survivors, for survivors

This is the first space in Vancouver with every square inch designed with survivors in mind!

“There is nowhere like this in Vancouver. Survivors need community connections, events, ceremonies. They need to feel like they belong. Where they can feel safe.”

 -Dalya Israel, Executive Director

Features that really excite us!

  • A non-clinical esthetic that will be rooted in the healing power of nature
  • Accessibility
    • power doors and wide hallways for mobility aids
    • scent-reduced
    • located in Downtown Vancouver and on major transit routes
  • Sound-proof pods to answer our nationwide 24-Hour Crisis & Information Line
  • Private reporting room for survivors as an alternative to going to the police station
  • Single stall, gender-neutral washrooms featuring murals about reproductive justice
  • Cove lighting in all the counselling rooms to offer a soft glow that supports emotional and system regulation
  • A Meditation Room for survivors and staff to offer titration and pre and post session-care 
  • Indigenized counselling room with traditional medicine & art
  • Community room for hosting ceremony, workshops and trainings
  • Future site of The Lower Mainland’s first Integrated Sexual Assault Medical Clinic 

Your contribution isn’t just an investment; it’s a testament to solidarity, belief in survivors, and the strength of community. It represents our commitment to creating a safe haven where survivors can witness the unwavering dedication of those committed to ending sexualized violence.

Don’t forget to follow us on social media to keep up with the exciting updates as we get closer to our move-in date!