Board Members

Volunteer on Salal's Board of Directors

Salal's Board of Directors

  • Board Chair – Michaela Konken
  • Past Board Chair – Margery Pazdor
  • Vice Chair – Soni Thindal
  • Treasurer – Doni Hodges
  • Secretary- Benedicta Bawo
  • Member at Large – Alla Shishkov
  • Member at Large – Arnima Singh
  • Member at Large – Lisa Eccles

You may reach Salal’s Board of Directors at

Volunteer as a Board of Director

  • Are you 19 years old or older?
  • Do you identify as a woman, Two Spirit, trans, non-binary, and/or gender diverse person?
  • Do you have at least 10 to 15 hours a month to dedicate to the work of the Salal’s Board of Directors?

Salal actively strives to live our values in all areas of our work, including on the Board of Directors. We want to set you up for success, and we invite you to consider the following statements and how they may or may not align with your own.

We are looking for folks who have a strong, practiced foundation of their own anti-oppression, intersectional feminist, decolonizing values, and a practiced ability to integrate them into their professional work and work on the board. 

We are looking for board members that are working towards continued personal and professional growth, an openness towards change, and a commitment to life-long learning.

Salal values both education and lived experience, and we acknowledge the work that is done to unlearn how systemic inequality affects us and the survivors we serve. 

Members of Salal’s board consistently resist the notion of perfection based on white supremacist, colonial, and capitalistic values. We encourage discourse, conversation, and conflict with mutual respect and trust. We want folks to bring their authentic selves to the table.

Note: If you feel like you have just begun your journey towards decolonizing and anti-oppression work, we encourage you to apply to our volunteer program.

Roles and Responsibilities of the Board

  • Attend all board meetings on the third Wednesday of each month 
  • Attend all working meetings on the first Monday of each month
  • Join one of the following sub committees and attend meetings: 
    • Finance
    • Board Development
    • ED Development
    • Fund Development
  • Be available to check emails and respond in a timely manner
  • Attend Salal events
  • Act as ambassadors for Salal’s services, programs, fundraising, campaigns, and events
  • Attend meetings, either virtual and/or in person
  • Have ability to access emails, Zoom meetings, Slack, Google Drive, etc. 
  • Provide a Criminal Record Check for working with vulnerable populations (records of non-power based crimes will not affect your application).

Note: If you have accessed Salal’s services in the past, please note you must wait 3 years before you can apply for a volunteer position, including a board position.

Does this sound like you?

Apply Now!

Application Process

Interested? Here’s what to expect when applying and interviewing for a position on Salal’s Board:

  1. If the above descriptions and roles describe you and being on the board is still of interest, please click this link to fill out the application.
  2. After you have submitted your application someone from the board will get back to you in 5 business days. 
  3. If you are selected for an interview, the Board Chair, Trina (they/them), will be in touch to find a time for your interview over Zoom.

Your interview will include: Executive Director, Dalya (she/her), Board Chair, Trina (they/them), and up to two other Board Directors.

After the interview, you will be contacted within 2 weeks in regards to the outcome of your application.