The Power of We
Written by Vanessa Chase, WAVAW Board Member
The theme for Blog Action Day 2012 is the Power of We. A pretty prefect theme for me to write about considering that I’m very interested in the concept of emergence and new models for change. Today I thought I’d write about an organization very near and dear to my heart and why I believe they harness the power of we everyday.
Women Against Violence Against Women (WAVAW) Rape Crisis Centre is a non-profit here in Vancouver that seeks to end all forms of violence against women. They provide women who have experience violence with support and healing, whiling engaging with the next generation to look at how we can shift attitudes towards violence to end it for good.
I first got involved with WAVAW as a Board Member – a position I still hold and now also serve as the chair of the fund development committee. What had attracted me to volunteer my time was a personal connection to the work that they do and the people they serve. But what keeps me there and keeps me inspired, is the group of incredible women who serve as staff and volunteers, and their unwavering belief in WAVAW’s mission. Their compassion and dedication to the women they serve defines for me what it means to be mission-driven as a non-profit.
WAVAW harnesses the power of we in several ways. They remain dedicated to grass-roots advocacy work in the community, attending numerous rallies and marches to show their support for women while increasing the community’s awareness of the issues. Secondly, WAVAW believes in taking preventative measures to end violence. They have developed a curriculum which is being taught in several Lower-Mainland schools.
WAVAW’s broad approach to working with numerous groups in the community brings many people together to rally against violence in our community, which is key. Ending violence is no small task. It starts at a cultural and attitudinal level through awareness, and required many people to come together and take action. It’s action I am proud to be a part of.
Blog originally posted in Philanthropy For All
- On December 19, 2012