You don’t have to go through this alone. If you need help, have questions about sexualized violence, or need information on how to support a loved one, call us. Salal provides immediate emotional support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year through our 24-Hour Gender-Based Violence Crisis & Information Line to survivors and their loved ones.
Our national, toll-free, confidential Crisis Line is answered by empathetic and skilled support workers. Crisis Line support workers are there to listen, to provide non-judgmental support and, if needed, to provide information on available Salal services or referrals to other community programs and organizations.
Call our Crisis Line today for immediate crisis support, referrals, and resources
24-Hour Gender-Based Violence Crisis & Information Line:
Lower Mainland: 604-255-6344
National Toll-Free: 1-877-392-7583
Hospital Accompaniment can also be accessed by calling the 24-Hour Gender-Based Violence Crisis & Information Line and selecting the option for “Hospital Accompaniment Staff.” Transportation to the hospital can also be arranged.
Salal SVSC’s 24-Hour Crisis & Information Line is the official Gender-Based Violence Crisis Line of B.C.